
I'm in a small town, what kind of business can I Start?

Often when I talk to people who want to start their own company, I get the tired old response from people in smaller towns, "this city is dead, no one can make any money here." The funny thing is that I hear that no matter what size the town or city or metro area. Have small town businessmen, however, to be creative in what they create. Business people who do this can create and above average income too large of a true. The internet is a big boon for the small town of been so good. For all of you remember entrepreneurs in small towns make good money if you own boss is not easy no matter where you live.

Find a small under served market

How many times have you heard someone say that I wish we had this in our city? What better way to create a business to start filling the needs of the local population. When I was young, we had a man come in our own city and open up a Ben Franklin five and Dime store. For those of you who are not old enough to use as a nickel and dime stores dollar stores. Now this Mr. Sam's third store in small towns in the Midwest was. This concept worked nicely for him and he started adding more stores in small towns. They call the stores of Wal-Mart Super centers today. You never know how good an idea can be until you run with it.

A problem with an answer that is too simple to resolve

When I was growing up, my family lost a neighbor who had a lawnmower roll over him, when he fell out. It seemed so simple to me at the time that all you had to do was put a pressure switch under the seat. When someone stood on the mower would shut down. Well now is a federal law that all Lawn tractors and riding mowers have this type of device. How many people saw the same thing I did and di nothing. But someone did it and hold a patent for it now. How many ideas you have said that the answer was too simple for?

Advertising and promotions of local businesses

Advertising costs are high. Most advertising is totally impossible to measure and is ineffective at best. What would someone to promote local businesses to pay to them. Be creative, but flyers perhaps makes it more personable. Account the flyers knock on the doors and the neighborhoods and flyers to the homeowners. Get permission to stand on a corner handing out flyers in the mornings to people on the way to work. Make it fun and exciting, creating a buzz for a local company. A small newspaper can charge a thousand dollars for an ad. For a fraction of that you can give them more of a presence in a day and the traffic can be measured. 5 companies that will pay you to promote them find one day per week and you pay a quarter of what the newspaper charged. Makes a great living and you only work a few hours a day.

Writing and online advertising

Most small towns have no one to an online presence for them. Write articles like this to promote their business. Getting a group of entrepreneurs and promote the neighbourhood shops along at the same time. A blog site to give local businesses and sell tank and reviews advertising on the blog.

And of course the best way to make a big business in a small town

Online businesses create a sense of magnitude without all of the overhead. You can live in a small town in Alabama, where the city limit sign is on both side of the same sign and still earn a mid 6 figure income. As long as you have a service and do it with pride no one cares where you are.

The most important is that but one thing. Action. If you are not an action that will happen nothing. If opportunity knocks, ever you still get up and answer the door. To sit back and complain that "this city is dead. I will never make a living here ", will follow you where ever you go. So if my favorite author, Dr. Seuss says "today is your day so be be up and away". Start something today and never ever never look back.

Mike and Becky Shipman entrepreneurs for close to 50 years and still young at heart about his new company. To learn that more ideas visit their website www.threepercentbusiness.com

Becky is already more than 35 years and a business owner nurse. She brings two successful careers in focus by helping others achieve success. She and her husband are currently repairing a 160 old home in East Central Alabama.


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