
Social Media for your Home Business!

Do you think that only large companies benefit from using social networks? Well think again. Marketing for home business via social media, your customers will find and meet your competitors head on The Internet levels the playing field., so you can watch as the big boys.

You're not alone

If you're new to social marketing, don't panic. Everyone was once a rookie and you can easily start without injured along the way. The key is to focus on only a few of platforms or networks, and then expand after you become more familiar with the social world.

My main online marketing social media networks are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I dabble in some others such as Digg, DisQus and Delicious (just a coincidence that they all begin with'd '), but the more platforms you use, the more time you invest. Depending on your business objectives or a special marketing campaigns, you may want to leave, but initially, keep it simple.

Get busy

You can only learn by trying. I used to read obsessively about social media, social marketing, and social networking, but I don't really understand all of them, until I popped up Twitter and started using Facebook pages. It takes a while to ' get it ', but you will.

Twitter -sometimes called a micro blog, because you can post only 140 characters at the same time. The idea, as with all social networks, to connect with people and information or experiences to share. People want to share articles, blogs, reports, news, photos, and funny stories, etc. Finding people to start after (many will follow you back), and at first, just listen to what they say. If you don't like it, or not interested in what you hear, you can unfollow them. It is so easy. Find someone else and just continue to grow your network. When you're ready, start tweeting. Do it, and yourself. Nobody will slap your wrist if you say something wrong.
Link Shorteners -used shrink for a long, rambling URL (website address) in a shorter that may fit better in a Twitter post (called a Tweet). When you have only 140 spaces, can share a link to a story to last the whole box. Link shorteners to the rescue! There are many services out there, like Goo.GL, Hootsuite, TinyURL. Do a search and try different ones. I use a service to "Bit.ly.com". It takes a long url, with loads of coded characters and figures-you know the ones, and them shortened to 12 or 13 characters. In addition to shortening your bit.LY link, also tracked how many people click on your links so you can analyze what types of articles or stories, people want to read.
Facebook -the biggest social network with more than 600 millions of users, mostly people like you and me. I assume that you have a personal Facebook account, but if you don't, get one. The best way to tap into that huge audience is to promote your business by creating a Facebook page. It's like having a mini Web site. Do you have a personal account to create a page, and I would strongly suggest your personal friends and family on your own personal account, and keeping your business messages on your page. You really don't want your customers to know what you had for dinner, or that you are playing Farmville.

The 3-1-1 rule

There are certain rules, etiquette and the expected behavior in the social media playground, and you'll want to make sure that you promote your online business professional. You must show that you are an expert in your field, a leader, and not just to sell your stuff.

The basic rule for posting to each social platform is the three-one-one line. If you're going to post information five times in a day (as an example), three of them need adding value, share something. Must be something about you, or anything that shows that you are a person. The latter can be about your company, an offer, a promotion, etc. If you post a sales conversation four times per day, will people stop following you and find someone else.

You've probably heard of this before, but social media is about engaging people and have conversations. Be friendly and authentic. Nobody wants to hear from someone that sounds like a company. People buy from people, but people want to be helped. They want to find solutions. They don't want a hard sales pitch. Give them something entertaining, enlightening, or educational.

Help is everywhere

There are so many training materials to more tips. Do a search for things like Facebook 101, getting started with Twitter, or Social Media Bootcamp. These are just some ideas. Some websites will ask you to sign up for a free course and you will receive an email daily or weekly to guide you through how to get started with different architectures. But remember, not just read them, take action and diving.

Jump into social media, spread your wings and have fun. Be assured that your competitors are.

Social Media, online marketing, and writing are my speciality and I love helping and teaching people how to use them to make a success of their home or Office.

I am a career marketer and communicator who left the corporate world working at home and inheritance of my income, my career and my lifestyle. Now, I am an Internet entrepreneur, and I coach and develop the same people. I am connected to a unique online marketing education and leadership community that helped me in my home business become successful.

If you're looking for a chance to take control of your financial destiny, check out this opportunity and join my community. http://CreatingaBusiness.net or visit my website at http://buildingabusiness.co/

1 comment:

  1. The 3-1-1 rule is a good one to follow - some social media is managed really poorly.

    Strategy Internet Marketing
